miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Clase de ingles en el segundo trimestre.

Good morning, today I am going to talk about the term in the English class. For me English is very funny besause I love it. This term we did a proyect about the weather forecast. You can wach the video HERE. (Pulsad en "HERE" y podreis ver el video sobre el tiempo, comentad si os gusta).
Then we started with a new unit, the numbers. And we did an other task and other proyect, we did a math problem and we did a video with the solution. We created a QR code too. The video is in YouTube but the link is HERE. (Pulsad en "HERE" para ver el video espero que os guste)
This is my term in English class at the I.E.S Cartima. Bye!😘🏫🇬🇧